OCD Intensive Therapy

Online therapy for residents of Houston & throughout Texas, Michigan, & Florida


Are you ready to make a major step forward in your OCD recovery?


Intensive treatment for OCD is a powerful way to accelerate the progress you make in typical outpatient therapy. Rather than attending a weekly, hour-long therapy session, you join your therapist for a concentrated treatment experience to complete intensive therapeutic work.

Your OCD intensive treatment takes place over 1-3 days, with 4 hours of time with your therapist each day.

Intensives are an effective method for making rapid progress in your OCD treatment. While typical outpatient therapy for OCD is effective, it also requires patience. 1 day of intensive treatment for OCD is comparable to 1-2 months in regular therapy. By concentrating your treatment into an intensive format, you can make more progress in your OCD treatment and do it faster.

How does an intensive outpatient program for OCD work?

  • We will start with a free consultation to ensure that an OCD intensive is appropriate for you. During this consultation, we can discuss your goals for the intensive, your current symptoms and behaviors, and determine the length and duration that your intensive needs to be.

  • Your OCD intensive will include education about how OCD functions and the best methods for helping it. We will practice new skills to help you better manage your anxiety, and design a treatment plan that targets the intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that are most distressing to you.

  • After your intensive, we will meet for a post-intensive check-in session to reflect on the progress you made during your intensive and discuss strategies for maintaining your progress on your own.

Who is a good fit for an intensive outpatient program?

Intensive treatment for OCD is an incredible option for anyone who:

  • Feels ready for their intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors to stop controlling their life.

  • Already has a great outpatient therapist, but needs more specialized help for their OCD.

  • Does not have the time or energy to commit to months of weekly therapy and would rather make big progress in a short period of time.

  • Has found outpatient therapy for OCD helpful, but needs more support than weekly therapy can provide.

  • Is preparing for a big life transition (high school or college graduation, getting married, having a baby, etc.) and doesn’t want to take their OCD with them into this next phase of their lives.

We will help you through each step of the intensive process by tailoring your treatment to your specific needs and symptoms. We use only evidence-based interventions proven to reduce OCD symptoms. Our philosophy for OCD treatment is based on trust and understanding: we will work together until you are living the safe, calm, and peaceful life you crave.


What Should I Expect From An OCD Intensive?

Personalized Treatment Workbook

Your personalized workbook includes assessments and activities to help you prepare for your intensive experience. It will help you to track and record your progress before, during, and after your sessions.

Customized Treatment Program

Your OCD Intensive takes place virtually over 1-3 days, with 4 hours of one-on-one time with your therapist each day. Your treatment plan will be customized to your specific needs and goals.

Post-Intensive Session

A 60-minute session to debrief and reflect on the progress you made during your intensive, and discuss your next steps for maintenance and continued growth.


Intensive Options & Rates

Therapeutic intensives are all about customizing an accelerated treatment plan to your specific needs and goals. This means that your intensive design is flexible, and can include more or fewer hours of work with your therapist depending on your preferences. Take a look at what a one, two, and three day intensive may look like for you.


You don’t have to live in a constant state of anxiety.

We can help you get there.


OCD Therapy FAQ

  • OCD intensives are conducted virtually. OCD treatment is particularly effective in a virtual format because it allows you to meet with your therapist in whichever environment is causing you the most difficulty. This is often at one’s home or in the places you most frequent (like the car, grocery store, or neighborhood). A virtual intensive means that you can work with your therapist wherever you need to.

  • Yes! Intensive treatment for OCD is highly effective and has existed for many years, but typically can only be found at a handful of large treatment centers around the country. Until recently, if someone wanted intensive OCD care, they would have to take weeks or months off of work, travel to a treatment center, and participate in a group therapy program with other people seeking intensive help for their OCD.

    A virtual, one-on-one OCD intensive offers the same efficacy of treatment found in large treatment centers, is more convenient, and is tailored specifically and only to your needs.

  • There is only one proven and effective treatment for OCD and it is exposure with response prevention or ERP. ERP is a process by which you take small steps toward confronting your anxious thoughts without engaging in compulsive behaviors. Your therapist will teach you how to process your anxiety without using compulsions, and over time, this treatment creates new neural pathways in your mind that reduce the frequency and intensity of your OCD symptoms.

  • OCD can be such a difficult disorder to live with, but it is highly treatable. All cases of OCD can be helped if you work with an OCD specialist.

  • At this time, insurance companies will not cover the full cost of intensive therapy programs. We can provide you with a super bill to submit to your insurance company to seek at least partial reimbursement for the cost of your therapy intensive.

  • OCD intensives can yield greater results than you would receive from months of weekly therapy and in a much shorter period of time. If you compare the cost of weekly outpatient therapy for several months to the cost of an OCD intensive, the intensive is often more cost-effective.

  • You can message us here to arrange a free consultation. This consult takes 15 minutes and is done over the phone to answer any questions you have about working with us. After your questions are answered, we will schedule your intensive session and get you started on the road to your recovery.