Is Web Therapy Right For Me?

Online Therapy

Web therapy is one of the most popular and in-demand services I offer, but a lot of people remain really skeptical about it. I get asked ALL. THE. TIME:

  • if web therapy really works?

  • if it feels cold or distant?

  • if it’s hard to form close relationships with your therapist?

Let’s talk about it!

1. Does web therapy work as well as in-person therapy?

All clinical research on this topic so far points to YES! And from a personal perspective, almost 50% of Live Mindfully’s clients choose or specifically ask for web therapy. In addition to finding it just as helpful as traditional therapy, they also report that it makes therapy more convenient, comfortable, and accessible.

Many of our clients have tightly packed schedules that prevent them from dedicating 2+ hours per week for the commute to and from an in-person appointment. And web therapy makes it easy for anyone from the new mom who can’t easily leave her home with a newborn, to the busy attorney who can barely make time to eat lunch, to get the support they need.

2. Does web therapy feel cold or impersonal?

Does face-timing with your best friend feel cold or impersonal? Speaking with your therapist over web therapy is a lot like talking to a close friend through video chat. Once you dive into the conversation, you kind of forget that you’re at your computer and are focused on the meaningful conversation you’re having.

Plus, getting to do therapy in the comfort of your own home, on your own couch, with coffee in hand or a dog in your lap, can make the process of starting therapy A LOT less intimidating.

3. Is it hard to form a relationship with your therapist over web therapy?

Therapeutic relationships can be formed in person, over the phone, and through web therapy. Everyone will have a preference for which format they prefer. What’s important is that you’re comfortable enough to open up and share your experiences with your therapist.

For people with anxiety, (including OCD, panic, or social anxiety), talking with your therapist from the comfort and safety of your home can make it easier to let your guard down and share the personal details of your life in a way that sometimes is challenging in a new environment. Not everyone will feel immediately comfortable showing emotion while sitting directly across from a person they just met and in an office they’ve never been to before. In those situations, web therapy can make the process of getting comfortable with your therapist much easier.

4. Should I try it?

If you’re on the fence, I encourage you to give it a shot! Especially if web therapy is the only option that will work with your schedule. If you’re local to Houston and you decide you’d rather see your therapist in person, that’s always an option!

Kelsey Fyffe