EMDR Therapy

Online therapy for residents of Houston & throughout Texas, Michigan, & Florida


Trauma can change your life in an instant.


Perhaps it was a specific, defining incident that you knew would change everything. Or maybe it was a series of events that happened so slowly throughout your life that you didn’t even recognize the toll those experiences took on you until now.

However it might have happened, you’re realizing it changed you. Now you notice you’re not quite living like everyone else seems to be. Maybe you don’t feel safe, even when there’s no apparent reason to be afraid. Or maybe you’re struggling to feel much at all. Like there’s a numbness that prevents you from fully experiencing your emotions.

Alternatively, you might be thinking that you feel way too much. That you can sometimes be a loose canon who swings from anger to sadness to panic - and it’s making you feel like you’re crazy. Other people don’t seem to have this much trouble with their feelings.


Do you sometimes…

  • Feel afraid and jumpy, like you need to be on high alert even when there’s no apparent reason to feel scared?

  • Have panic attacks that seem to come from out of nowhere?

  • Experience flashbacks, nightmares, or get disturbing thoughts and images stuck in your mind?

  • Feel like you’ll never experience true joy, enthusiasm, and happiness again?


EMDR Therapy can bring you the relief you’re looking for.

EMDR is a unique form of trauma therapy that helps you heal and resolve the suffering caused by your past trauma. When you experience an event that is too overwhelmingly negative for your mind to process, it can become "stuck" in your mind and become a trauma. That unresolved, "stuck" experience causes the fear, anxiety, and distress you endured at the time to come back over and over, as though you are experiencing those emotions again for the first time.

How does EMDR Work?

EMDR differs from typical talk therapy because you do not have to rehash the details of your painful experiences for it to work. EMDR relies on your brain’s natural learning processes to work through traumatic memories and reduce the distress they cause. In fact, you can share as many or as few details of your difficult memories as you’d like and EMDR will be just as effective. Here’s how it works:

  • Working through your trauma can be emotional, and it’s important that you feel confident in your ability to calm your distress and ease your discomfort when needed. You will always be in control of the direction of your EMDR treatment. You’ll never be pushed outside of your comfort zone.

  • This could include memories of past events, mental images, or even thoughts and ideas that cause you distress. Each of the experiences we identify will become a “target” for us to work on during your EMDR therapy.

  • This is where the magic happens! EMDR uses “bilateral stimulation” as a form of distraction to help your mind recall your traumatic memories without becoming overwhelmed by them. By engaging in this distraction, you keep your mind actively working to process your difficult memory and reduce the pain and distress it causes. All you have to do is stay present and notice how your thoughts and feelings naturally change throughout the process.

  • You may be surprised by how many insights you gain throughout the EMDR process. EMDR has a way of reframing our experience through a new and more helpful lens. During this time, we can reflect on the positive changes you’ve achieved and identify future areas for growth and healing. You always get to be in charge of your EMDR treatment. You set the goals and the pace. We are just here to guide you along the way.

EMDR can help with:


With EMDR therapy, you can…

  • Feel safe again.

  • Find emotional peace.

  • Stop feeling triggered by your daily life.

  • Feel your full range of emotions without fear of overwhelm.

  • Experience the joy, hopefulness, and motivation you deserve.

Ready to start feeling better, faster?

EMDR intensives are available for people who are ready to accelerate their healing and find a sense of peace and safety.

Learn More About EMDR Intensives

Your trauma does not have to keep robbing you of your joy.

We can help you get there.


 EMDR Therapy FAQ

  • Yes, the research on EMDR has overwhelmingly found that it is an effective treatment for trauma, including PTSD and acute stress. Research also shows that it is one of the quickest and most efficient treatments for trauma.

  • Yes! When you have trauma, it is perfectly normal to become overwhelmed, have nightmares, or experience flashbacks. And those symptoms would be intimidating to anyone. But EMDR is designed to teach you the skills you need so you DO NOT become overwhelmed by your emotions. No processing or discussion of your trauma will occur until you are confident in your ability to regulate your emotions using the tools you learn in EMDR therapy.

  • We will guide you through every step of the process. Your only job during EMDR is to use your coping skills when needed and notice the feelings and thoughts that come up for you during processing. There is no way to do it “wrong.” We are simply giving your brain an opportunity to make new connections and heal from your past experiences.

  • Your first appointment costs $195, and follow-up appointments cost $160. Check out our main FAQ page to learn more about why we are out-of-network providers.

  • No, COVID showed us that EMDR can be just as effective in a virtual session as it is in person. All of our EMDR sessions are conducted virtually. We like this method because it allows you to complete your trauma work from a safe and comfortable place of your choosing, rather than an office environment.

  • Trauma is subjective and unique to each person. Sometimes people worry that their past experience can’t qualify as trauma because it wasn’t “bad” enough. In reality, any past experience that still causes you pain and distress, and feels like it could be impacting your current life, can be a trauma.

    Sometimes you don’t realize that an experience is traumatic while it’s occurring, and it’s only years later that you realize how much it impacted you. People often seek EMDR treatment for events that occurred many years ago.

  • You can message us here to arrange a free consultation. This consult takes 15 minutes and is done over the phone with our client coordinator who can answer any questions you have about working with us. After your questions are answered, we can find a session time that works well with your schedule and get you started on your path to healing.